Monday, November 5, 2012

Alone in the City: Days Four and Five

Sorry, no deep spiritual revelations in my heart these two days. Just this:

And these:

God gave me the chance to visit Porto de Galinhas (google it, I think you'll like what you see...) here in Brazil Friday-Sunday. I didn't want to go at first because I am an introvert (an introverted missionary sounds like quite the oxymoron, but that's an entirely different blog post) and had no idea what to expect spending an entire weekend with people I didn't know, in a place I didn't know, speaking a language I barely know.
Summary? I'm so glad I went. Brazilians are some of the absolute nicest people on the planet and made me feel like we had been friends forever.
Plus, I got to sleep in an air conditioned room. Bonus.
I'm finding in my ripe old age of 26 that sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is just rest.
Rest in God. Rest in His blessings. Rest in the opportunities.
And that's just what I did and while I sit here alone again in our apartment, I feel refreshed and renewed both spiritually and physically.
"Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11.28
Thank you God for rest.

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