Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Actually praying...

God has been working in my heart lately about praying all throughout the day for people as they come to mind, not just at night before I go to bed. I think that's what Paul meant when he said, "Pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5.17) Why is it so hard sometimes to constantly be in communication with our Father??

There are some missionaries that we are friends with or support that I think of often, but I came up with an idea about how to keep on top of praying for a lot of different missionaries, too.

Also, we recently started sponsoring a sweet little Ugandan girl named Maimuna and wanted a way to keep her on our minds and hearts regularly.

So, here's what I did...

I took a bulletin board that we had already and put Maimuna's picture on it and a section for the "Missionary of the Week", using construction paper for a simple background. At the bottom I strung a piece of paracord (ribbon would work, too) and used clothes pins to attach the picture that Maimuna drew for us as well as some photos a missionary friend in the Dominican Republic recently sent us. I also hole-punched and strung up all the missionary prayer cards that we have and pinned them in the corner so that we can change them out and dedicate an entire week of praying for them specifically.

It was super simple, took about an hour to do, and since I already had all the materials around the house, it was free! We're going to put it in our kitchen so we see it often and can pray constantly for them.

If you don't have a "system" set up for praying for missionaries, this is a good way to do it! Take that pile of prayer cards you've collected and make good use of them. If you're a creative person (which I'm not) you can even make yours look a lot prettier than mine and give me some pointers ;)

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