
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Best Friend

Today, I'm thankful for my best friend who I have been married to for 4 amazing years now!!

Who knew that we would be where we are today when we started dating in July of 2003? I am so thankful for the life God has given us together and look forward to what He has in store in the future.

This picture was taken in Costa Rica in 2004. This is the trip we both surrendered to be full-time missionaries.

Living the good life in the Andes Mountains in Argentina during our time at Word of Life (05'-06').

Posing by the "Getaway Car" at our wedding, August 4, 2007.

On the "slow boat" on our first trip to Brazi|, April 2009. It was here that God confirmed the calling in our hearts.

On March 29, 2010, our family grew by two feet when Elliott Tabor was born. We don't remember life without him now!

Sharing with a Witchdoctor on our most recent trip, December 2010.

So ridiculously and abundantly blessed beyond all reason by our awesome God.
To Him be the glory!!

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