Today I'm thankful for God's grace. My life apart from it would be miserable and hopeless. We always spend Thanksgiving with both of our families. We spend the first part of the day and eat lunch with Richard's family and then eat dinner and spend the evening with mine.
As with anything, there are seasons and life is no exception.
Earlier this month, Richard's grandfather passed away unexpectedly and ended a season in their lives. It was tough for the entire family. Thanksgiving was always his favorite holiday and I can remember every year for at least the last four hearing his story about how broccoli casserole sent him to the hospital one year. It always brought a mixture of smiles and sighs as each person at the table could probably tell the story just as well as he did.
But we didn't hear it this year. I know for me I thought of it as I was eating my broccoli casserole and couldn't help but smile and thank God for His grace. Without it, we wouldn't have the peace of knowing we would one day see Papaw in Heaven... and maybe we could all eat some more broccoli casserole and hear the story again.
About three years ago ended a wonderful season for my extended family also. Every year since I can remember we would all get together, all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and my grandmother, and spend the Thanksgiving weekend laughing, eating, playing games, and just being together. With close to thirty people, it was always a lot of fun. It was the highlight of the year every year!
Unfortunately, as things sometimes go, a family dispute surfaced that Thanksgiving weekend of 2007. I remember telling my mom that very day that our family would never be the same. And it hasn't been.
But this year I was thankful for God's grace. I was thankful that even though we as humans sometimes don't find it within ourselves to ask for forgiveness or to forgive, God does. Regardless of how many times we hurt Him, He not only forgives, He forgets. And I was thankful for the memories and that some of my family was able to get together and just enjoy each others company. There were only nine of us this time, but we laughed and ate and it was a good time.
So I'm thankful for God's perfect grace. His grace that gives us reason to hope and laugh. His grace that forgives and brings life.
His grace that is sufficient through all the seasons of our lives.
God is good.

Papaw, Elliott, Richard, and Bruce
Four Generations
Father's Day 2010

Med, Justin, Jason, Richard, Elliott, Me, Julie, Shel, and Marlene
My goofy family
Thanksgiving Day 2010