
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Books I Recommend

First off, if you don't have a Kindle App (or an actual Kindle), you should get one. The app is free and it's so convenient to carry so many books with you. Just sayin'.

Anywho, here are some recent reads that I really enjoyed/am enjoying.

Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
If you read Radical, it's along the same lines except maybe a little more "hippy-esc". It's sort of Shane's story of applying the concepts you read about in the days of the early church. To say it's challenging spiritually would be, well, an understatement.

Stuff Christians Like by Jon Acuff
If you want a really good laugh, check out this book. FUNNY stuff.

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things by Beth Moore
I started reading this book in response to a recent happening in our lives that left me with a lot of emotions that I didn't even know where to begin processing them.

I'll probably blog more about this later, but I'll just suffice it to say that this book has been very eye-opening for me about just how important it is to be ready to stand against the attacks of satan and to drench our leaders in prayer. I'm ashamed to admit I have done a pitiful job of praying for satan's prime targets.

Read. This. Book.

How Do You Tuck In a Super Hero? by Rachel Balducci
If you are a mom of boys, this is a fun book to read and you'll no doubt be able to relate to a lot of the stories that Rachel tells. It's really lighthearted and funny and helped me appreciate even more the ambitious, rambunctious boy that I have as well as realize the huge part I play in his life.

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