
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Friends

Today, I am thankful for the amazing friends that God has put in my life. I am truly, truly blessed.

Elliott and I drove (ok, I drove, but Elliott was with me) up to Elkhart, IN and spent the past week with three of my best girl friends. (Richard is in the Dominican Republic so it was the perfect opportunity and possibly the last before we move to the field full-time.) I met them all through my time at Word of Life Argentina (05'-06') which just further proves that that year of my life was one of the most growing and shaping times and I am forever grateful that God allowed Richard and I to spend that year abroad learning more about
Him and meeting so many great people.

Here are some photos of our time in Elkhart :)

Steph and I went to this great little ice cream shop. It was delicious... can you see the excitement on our faces? :)

Rachel, Cambri, me, and Elliott

Elliott was super sweet with little Cambri....

 ...but not so much with Abigail! We have a long way to go with the sharing principle......

 Me and Jenna at the beach in Michigan

This boy loves the beach and was covered from head to toe with sand by the time we left!

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