
Sunday, August 21, 2011


Sometimes, when we're sharing about the ministry that God has called us to, I get overwhelmed. Like, really, really overwhelmed.

I get overwhelmed when people say we're amazing, because we're not at all, God is.

I get overwhelmed when people say they want to give to the ministry, because we're being entrusted with so much.

I get overwhelemd when a church decides to be a part of the work, because we've been given so much responsibility.

I get overwhelmed when I look at our support account and see that ever since we took that step of faith to live off support, God has provided above and beyond so that we can give to others above and beyond, because you just can't outgive God.

I get overwhelmed when we share the stories of how God has brought us here and provided every step of the way, because He is so good and we are so unworthy.

But most of all, I get overwhelmed that the God of the Universe loves us so much that He would count us worthy of the call for the sake of His glory.

That is overwhelming.

And I ask God--no, I beg God--to keep us humble and to keep our eyes on Him. I see the effects of pride on ministry and it must break God's heart to see us take credit for something that is in no way ours to take credit for, because it breaks mine. May we never be found guilty of stealing from God in that way.

Only His is worthy.

Then I get overwhelmed because it's truly all I desire--to serve God where He's called us. I want nothing more than to be next to the ladies, doing laundry in the river while Elliott plays with the kids, and Richard disciples the men. I long for the day when I wake up and it's hot and humid and we get to host the locals in our home and I make them coffee and we just pour out the love of Christ on them. I yearn for the day when I can wrap the wounds of a small child and tell her it's going to be ok as we load her into the helicopter.

And I get overwhelmed because only God can create a desire like that.

Sometimes, I just get overwhelmed.


  1. Oh Ashley, this put tears in my eyes. You are such a beautiful display of God's love and mercy.

  2. Such a blessing to see how the LORD is working in and through you!

  3. Wow! And I am overwhelmed by how much I still have to learn. There's so much of ME that still needs removed...


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